Nigel Richards - Endgame analysis (CSW07)
List of endgames that can be played one move at a time. Click on the board image to change display size. Click 'Show' or 'Next move' to go to the next move. For each move you have a link to the complete analysis opening in a new web page.
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vs Joanne Craig
— 2010 European Open - round #17
vs John Luebkemann
1. — World Players Championship (11/14/08) - round #14
Nigel 509 | vs | 276 John |
 | vs |  |
John 276 | vs | 613 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 1012 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+337) • Reset
* In cross-tables the game appears under SOWPODS but the tournament under CSW07. We believe it was CSW07.
vs John O'Laughlin
1. — World Players Championship (11/14/08) - round #17
John 440 | vs | 479 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 479 | vs | 455 John |
 | vs |  |
John 455 | vs | 496 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
John played the 2nd best move Show • Analyze 319 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 33 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+41) • Reset
* In cross-tables the game appears under SOWPODS but the tournament under CSW07. We believe it was CSW07.
— Toronto International Scrabble Open (September 22-25 2011) - round #2
vs Jojo Delia
— 2010 European Open - round #14
— 2010 European Open - round #26
vs Kevin Synnott
— 2010 European Open - round #1
Nigel 396 | vs | 314 Kevin |
 | vs |  |
Kevin 314 | vs | 492 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played one of the 2 best moves Show • Analyze 5853 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+178) • Reset
vs Komol Panyasophonlert
Komol 389 | vs | 425 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 425 | vs | 432 Komol |
 | vs |  |
Komol 432 | vs | 453 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Komol played one of the 2 best moves Show • Analyze 328 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 81 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+21) • Reset
vs Leslie Charles
— Toronto International Scrabble Open (September 22-25 2011) - round #10
vs Lewis Mackay
— English Open (Coventry, 17th - 19th July 2009) - round #21
vs Marlon Prudencio
— 2010 ICT Penang Open (11th - 13th June 2010) - round #5
— 2010 ICT Penang Open (11th - 13th June 2010) - round #15
— 2010 ICT Penang Open (11th - 13th June 2010) - round #19
Marlon 414 | vs | 419 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 419 | vs | 414 Marlon |
 | vs |  |
Marlon 414 | vs | 440 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 440 | vs | 434 Marlon |
 | vs |  |
Marlon 434 | vs | 454 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Marlon lost turn on invalid word Show • Analyze 934 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 30 moves
Marlon played the 3rd best move Show • Analyze 678 moves
Nigel played the 2nd best move Show • Analyze 25 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+20) • Reset
* BE 3B is a suspicious inaccuracy by Nigel, as it would mean he failed to find the highest scoring move with just one tile in his rack.
vs Marty Gabriel
vs Marut Siriwangso
vs Max Panitch
— Toronto International Scrabble Open (September 22-25 2011) - round #17
vs Mohammad Sulaiman
— Malta International Scrabble Open (May 14-16 2010) - round #19
vs Nathan Benedict
1. — World Players Championship (08/13/10) - round #26
2. — World Players Championship (08/13/10) - round #28
3. — 7th Causeway Challenge (03/12/08)
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