Nigel Richards - Endgame analysis (CSW07)
List of endgames that can be played one move at a time. Click on the board image to change display size. Click 'Show' or 'Next move' to go to the next move. For each move you have a link to the complete analysis opening in a new web page.
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vs Sam Kantimathi
— 2010 ICT Penang Open (11th - 13th June 2010) - round #12
vs Shaila Amalean
vs Sherwin Rodrigues
vs Simon Gillam
— 2010 European Open - round #24
vs Siu Hean Cheah
vs Suanne Ong
1. — 7th Causeway Challenge (03/12/08) - round #99
Nigel 415 | vs | 357 Suanne |
 | vs |  |
Suanne 357 | vs | 432 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 432 | vs | 370 Suanne |
 | vs |  |
Suanne 370 | vs | 486 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 6399 moves
Suanne played the 5th best move Show • Analyze 228 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 863 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+116) • Reset
* In cross-tables the round is given as 99, which can't be right.
vs Tan Jin Chor
— 2010 ICT Penang Open (11th - 13th June 2010) - round #13
vs Terry Kirk
— 2010 European Open - round #6
— 2010 European Open - round #22
vs Thacha Koowirat
Nigel 503 | vs | 331 Thacha |
 | vs |  |
Thacha 331 | vs | 525 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 525 | vs | 341 Thacha |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played one of the 2 best moves Show • Analyze 314 moves
Thacha played one of the 2 best moves Show • Analyze 7 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+184) • Reset
vs Tim Adamson
1. — World Players Championship (11/14/08) - round #9
Nigel 370 | vs | 366 Tim |
 | vs |  |
Tim 366 | vs | 429 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 429 | vs | 396 Tim |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 242 moves
Tim played the best move Show • Analyze 103 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+33) • Reset
* This game must have been played with CSW07 instead of SOWPODS. In cross-tables the game appears under SOWPODS but the tournament under CSW07, and Nigel's play in the endgame would be invalid with SOWPODS. Also, it looks like Nigel did not challenge the phony GORER in this game.
— 9th World Championship (11/08/07) - round #21
Nigel 505 | vs | 389 Tim |
 | vs |  |
Tim 389 | vs | 535 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 535 | vs | 417 Tim |
 | vs |  |
Tim 417 | vs | 549 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 749 moves
Tim played the 2nd best move Show • Analyze 472 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 63 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+132) • Reset
* The game appears under SOWPODS in cross-tables but we believe it was played with CSW07 because JA was played in some games of that tournament.
vs Tony Leah
— Toronto International Scrabble Open (September 22-25 2011) - round #19
vs Tony Sim
vs Trevor Halsall
vs Trevor Hovelmeier
1. — 11th World Championship (10/12/11) - round #5
Trevor 364 | vs | 423 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 423 | vs | 386 Trevor |
 | vs |  |
Trevor 386 | vs | 461 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Trevor played the 34th best move Show • Analyze 893 moves
Nigel played one of the 2 best moves Show • Analyze 255 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+75) • Reset
vs Varisht Hingorani
Varisht 455 | vs | 490 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 490 | vs | 487 Varisht |
 | vs |  |
Varisht 487 | vs | 518 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Varisht played the 5th best move Show • Analyze 216 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 44 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+31) • Reset
vs Vincent Boyle
— 2010 European Open - round #11
Vincent 283 | vs | 537 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 537 | vs | 298 Vincent |
 | vs |  |
Vincent 298 | vs | 573 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 573 | vs | 315 Vincent |
 | vs | --- |
Vincent played the 5th best move Show • Analyze 484 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 70 moves
Vincent played the 2nd best move Show • Analyze 233 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+258) • Reset
* In the source, it gives TOES 9J as the last play, but that's impossible; we assume it's a typo for TOES 9K.
vs Weibin Toh
1. — 11th World Championship (10/12/11) - round #6
Nigel 376 | vs | 415 Weibin |
 | vs |  |
Weibin 415 | vs | 416 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 416 | vs | 437 Weibin |
 | vs |  |
Weibin 437 | vs | 431 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 460 moves
Weibin played the best move Show • Analyze 255 moves
Nigel played one of the 2 best moves Show • Analyze 7 moves
Game Over: Weibin wins (+6) • Reset
* Incomplete rack in cross-tables.
vs Wellington Jighere
1. — 9th World Championship (11/08/07) - round #24
Wellington 312 | vs | 486 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 486 | vs | 355 Wellington |
 | vs |  |
Wellington 355 | vs | 504 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Wellington played one of the 3 best moves Show • Analyze 731 moves
Nigel played one of the 2 best moves Show • Analyze 52 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+149) • Reset
* The game appears under SOWPODS in cross-tables but we believe it was played with CSW07 because JA was played in some games of that tournament.
vs Zbigniew Wieckowski
1. — Toronto, ON (09/22/11) - round #11
Nigel 396 | vs | 344 Zbigniew |
 | vs |  |
Zbigniew 344 | vs | 424 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 424 | vs | 344 Zbigniew |
 | vs |  |
Zbigniew 344 | vs | 474 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 5180 moves
Zbigniew lost turn on invalid word Show • Analyze 677 moves
Nigel played one of the 3 best moves Show • Analyze 2555 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+130) • Reset
* Incomplete rack in cross-tables.
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