Nigel Richards - Endgame analysis (CSW19)
List of endgames that can be played one move at a time. Click on the board image to change display size. Click 'Show' or 'Next move' to go to the next move. For each move you have a link to the complete analysis opening in a new web page.
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vs Jesse Day
3. — WESPA World Championship 2019 (Goa) - round #F6
Nigel 411 | vs | 434 Jesse |
 | vs |  |
Jesse 434 | vs | 503 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 736 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+69) • Reset
4. — WESPA World Championship 2019 (Goa) - round #F5
5. — WESPA World Championship 2019 (Goa) - round #F4
Nigel 318 | vs | 457 Jesse |
 | vs |  |
Jesse 457 | vs | 402 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played one of the 3 best moves Show • Analyze 3492 moves
Game Over: Jesse wins (+55) • Reset
7. — 34th Brand’s Crossword Game Championship (July 4–7, 2019) - round #28
8. — WESPA World Championship 2019 (Goa) - round #F1
9. — WESPA World Championship 2019 (Goa) - round #F3
10. — 34th Brand’s Crossword Game Championship (July 4–7, 2019) - round #22
Jesse 406 | vs | 413 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 413 | vs | 428 Jesse |
 | vs |  |
Jesse 428 | vs | 442 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Jesse played the 2nd best move Show • Analyze 340 moves
Nigel played one of the 2 best moves Show • Analyze 69 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+14) • Reset
* See the comments regarding the phony "WIREY" on the game's website. Nigel said "hold" too quietly and Jesse didn't hear. The tournament director came and said Jesse could not have heard "hold" so the phony "WIREY" was left on the board.
11. — 34th Brand’s Crossword Game Championship (July 4–7, 2019) - round #23
12. — 34th Brand’s Crossword Game Championship (July 4–7, 2019) - round #27
13. — 34th Brand’s Crossword Game Championship (July 4–7, 2019) - round #F1
14. — 34th Brand’s Crossword Game Championship (July 4–7, 2019) - round #F2
15. — 34th Brand’s Crossword Game Championship (July 4–7, 2019) - round #F3
vs Karen Richards
1. — 34th Brand’s Crossword Game Championship (July 4–7, 2019) - round #1
Nigel 483 | vs | 418 Karen |
 | vs |  |
Karen 418 | vs | 607 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 850 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+189) • Reset
vs Marlon Prudencio
1. — MU Sigma Scrabble International Tournament (Jan 2020) - round #32
2. — MU Sigma Scrabble International Tournament (Jan 2020) - round #17
Nigel 343 | vs | 404 Marlon |
 | vs |  |
Marlon 404 | vs | 435 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played one of the 2 best moves Show • Analyze 2174 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+31) • Reset
3. — MU Sigma Scrabble International Tournament (Jan 2020) - round #28
4. — MU Sigma Scrabble International Tournament (Jan 2020) - round #29
5. — MU Sigma Scrabble International Tournament (Jan 2020) - round #30
Nigel 365 | vs | 325 Marlon |
 | vs |  |
Marlon 325 | vs | 398 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 398 | vs | 357 Marlon |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 3987 moves
Marlon played the best move Show • Analyze 451 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+41) • Reset
* In this game Nigel played the phony "YOX".
vs Moiz Ullah Baig
1. — Mattel World Scrabble Championships 2019 - round #30
vs Olaiya Kabir
1. — Mattel World Scrabble Championships 2019 - round #15
vs Paul Gallen
1. — Mattel World Scrabble Championships 2019 - round #31
2. — Mattel World Scrabble Championships 2019 - round #SF1
vs Rik Kennedy
Rik 485 | vs | 310 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 310 | vs | 499 Rik |
 | vs |  |
Rik 499 | vs | 322 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 322 | vs | 507 Rik |
 | vs |  |
Rik 507 | vs | 344 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 344 | vs | 516 Rik |
 | vs |  |
Rik 516 | vs | 369 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Rik played the 12th best move Show • Analyze 351 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 479 moves
Rik played the 4th best move Show • Analyze 155 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 190 moves
Rik played the best move Show • Analyze 32 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 46 moves
Game Over: Rik wins (+147) • Reset
* The move order is wrong in cross-tables. DEP was played before BE. Confirmed by Rik who sent us a copy of his scoresheet of this game.
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