Nigel Richards - Endgame analysis (TWL06)
List of endgames that can be played one move at a time. Click on the board image to change display size. Click 'Show' or 'Next move' to go to the next move. For each move you have a link to the complete analysis opening in a new web page.
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vs Jesse Day
4. — 22nd National Championship Main Event (08/06/11) - round #30
vs Jim Burlant
— 22nd National Championship Main Event (08/06/11) - round #1
vs Jim Kramer
— 22nd National Championship Main Event (08/06/11) - round #27
— 22nd National Championship Main Event (08/06/11) - round #31
vs Joel Sherman
1. — 22nd National Championship Main Event (08/06/11) - round #14
vs Joel Wapnick
— 20th National Championship (08/01/09) - round #28
vs Joey Mallick
1. — 21st National Championship (08/07/10) - round #13
2. — 20th National Championship (08/01/09) - round #21
vs John Viloria
1. — 20th National Championship (08/01/09) - round #3
vs Jon Shreve
— 20th National Championship (08/01/09) - round #17
vs Joshua Sokol
1. — Las Vegas, NV (07/18/14) - round #5
Nigel 353 | vs | 391 Joshua |
 | vs |  |
Joshua 391 | vs | 367 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 367 | vs | 421 Joshua |
 | vs |  |
Joshua 421 | vs | 386 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 608 moves
Joshua played the best move Show • Analyze 1706 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 57 moves
Game Over: Joshua wins (+35) • Reset
* We contacted Nigel's opponent and he said that the tournament was played with the TWL06 dictionary instead of the OTCWL2.1 one. That is to say, the words GEOCACHE, GEOCACHED, GEOCACHES and GEOCACHING were invalid during the tournament.
vs Kenji Matsumoto
1. — 20th National Championship (08/01/09) - round #6
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #13
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #25
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #30
vs Komol Panyasophonlert
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #19
Nigel 355 | vs | 388 Komol |
 | vs |  |
Komol 388 | vs | 459 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 284 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+71) • Reset
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #29
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #31
vs Laurie Cohen
— 21st National Championship (08/07/10) - round #25
— 21st National Championship (08/07/10) - round #26
Laurie 312 | vs | 601 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 601 | vs | 335 Laurie |
 | vs |  |
Laurie 335 | vs | 613 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Laurie played one of the 5 best moves Show • Analyze 244 moves
Nigel played one of the 3 best moves Show • Analyze 25 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+278) • Reset
vs Lester Schonbrun
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #3
Nigel 417 | vs | 353 Lester |
 | vs |  |
Lester 353 | vs | 458 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 458 | vs | 386 Lester |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played one of the 2 best moves Show • Analyze 287 moves
Lester played the 5th best move Show • Analyze 135 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+72) • Reset
vs Lou Cornelis
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #20
vs Lucas Freeman
1. — 21st National Championship (08/07/10) - round #1
vs Maddy Kamen
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #12
vs Mark Milan
1. — 21st National Championship (08/07/10) - round #2
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