Nigel Richards - Endgame analysis (TWL06)
List of endgames that can be played one move at a time. Click on the board image to change display size. Click 'Show' or 'Next move' to go to the next move. For each move you have a link to the complete analysis opening in a new web page.
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vs Marty Gabriel
— 20th National Championship (08/01/09) - round #24
vs Mike Baron
— 21st National Championship (08/07/10) - round #9
Mike 327 | vs | 394 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 394 | vs | 348 Mike |
 | vs |  |
Mike 348 | vs | 408 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 408 | vs | 363 Mike |
 | vs | --- |
Mike played the 21st best move Show • Analyze 3685 moves
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 123 moves
Mike played the 6th best move Show • Analyze 639 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+45) • Reset
* We tried to contact Nigel's opponent to have the phony "HIARNETS" confirmed, but to no avail.
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #1
vs Nigel Peltier
1. — 23rd National Championship Main Event (08/11/12) - round #6
Nigel R. 419 | vs | 323 Nigel P. |
 | vs |  |
Nigel P. 323 | vs | 447 Nigel R. |
 | vs |  |
Nigel R. 447 | vs | 352 Nigel P. |
 | vs |  |
Nigel P. 352 | vs | 463 Nigel R. |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel R. played the best move Show • Analyze 204 moves
Nigel P. played the best move Show • Analyze 417 moves
Nigel R. played the best move Show • Analyze 14 moves
Game Over: Nigel R. wins (+111) • Reset
— 21st National Championship (08/07/10) - round #17
Nigel P. 382 | vs | 268 Nigel R. |
 | vs |  |
Nigel R. 268 | vs | 410 Nigel P. |
 | vs |  |
Nigel P. 410 | vs | 282 Nigel R. |
 | vs |  |
Nigel R. 282 | vs | 436 Nigel P. |
 | vs |  |
Nigel P. 436 | vs | 314 Nigel R. |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel P. played the 2nd best move Show • Analyze 200 moves
Nigel R. played one of the 3 best moves Show • Analyze 64 moves
Nigel P. played the best move Show • Analyze 85 moves
Nigel R. played one of the 2 best moves Show • Analyze 11 moves
Game Over: Nigel P. wins (+122) • Reset
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #22
Nigel R. 307 | vs | 330 Nigel P. |
 | vs |  |
Nigel P. 330 | vs | 349 Nigel R. |
 | vs |  |
Nigel R. 349 | vs | 340 Nigel P. |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel R. played one of the 3 best moves Show • Analyze 181 moves
Nigel P. played the best move Show • Analyze 11 moves
Game Over: Nigel R. wins (+9) • Reset
vs Noah Walton
1. — 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #28
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #14
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #23
Nigel 299 | vs | 461 Noah |
 | vs |  |
Noah 461 | vs | 331 Nigel |
 | vs |  |
Nigel 331 | vs | 471 Noah |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 472 moves
Noah played one of the 3 best moves Show • Analyze 9 moves
Game Over: Noah wins (+140) • Reset
vs Orry Swift
— 21st National Championship (08/07/10) - round #24
Nigel 390 | vs | 345 Orry |
 | vs |  |
Orry 345 | vs | 457 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 529 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+112) • Reset
— 22nd National Championship Main Event (08/06/11) - round #24
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #10
Nigel 412 | vs | 399 Orry |
 | vs |  |
Orry 399 | vs | 502 Nigel |
 | vs | --- |
Nigel played the best move Show • Analyze 827 moves
Game Over: Nigel wins (+103) • Reset
vs Pakorn Nemitrmansuk
— 20th National Championship (08/01/09) - round #26
vs Patricia Barrett
— 21st National Championship (08/07/10) - round #14
vs Peter Armstrong
— 22nd National Championship Main Event (08/06/11) - round #28
vs Rafi Stern
1. — 23rd National Championship Main Event (08/11/12) - round #27
2. — 21st National Championship (08/07/10) - round #8
3. — 20th National Championship (08/01/09) - round #10
— 20th National Championship (08/01/09) - round #23
— 21st National Championship (08/07/10) - round #22
vs Randy Greenspan
1. — 23rd National Championship Main Event (08/11/12) - round #3
vs Rob Robinsky
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #21
vs Robin Pollock Daniel
— 20th National Championship (08/01/09) - round #19
vs Rod MacNeil
1. — 22nd National Championship Main Event (08/06/11) - round #6
vs Scott Appel
— 24th National Championship Main Event (07/20/13) - round #18
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